time is running so fast~
another 10 days
for my convocation
in d previous entry
i said i will attend
i still don't do anything!!
this morning received
sms from UiTM
a reminder
to answer as soon as possible
whether attend or not
to d convocation
really want to go
maybe this is my last chance
[if i'm not further for master]
for me to feel wearing d mortabot
to hold my scroll from dean,
make mak & ayah proud of me
:( :(
i thought to ask if i can transfer
my convo at UiTM Seri Iskandar
but don't have time to call
too busy for a few weeks lately :(
sometime i wish
that i NEVER know you
from d beginning!!!
*mood: dilemma. melancholy. not in d mood~!!!
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